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Brand and Mission

Many businesses struggle to grow beyond a certain size because the "it" of their business isn't properly defined.

What is beyond question is that businesses with a clear mission and brand strategy tend to grow quicker and become valuable.

I help businesses understand and articulate their goals. It's a process that means making difficult choices (we all want lots of things for our business but only a few things are genuinely important and achievable). 

The aim is to be completely clear about the mission of the business, to understand what level of polishing a brand requires and, if a professional agency is needed, to work with the senior management team to establish clear goals before engaging one so that the process yields true value i.e. clear, communicable and commercially effective brand and mission focus.

The process requires honest evaluation, careful refinement, accurate articulation, plenty of sense checking, and, finally, crystal-clear communication.

If it covers the the hard yards on this a business will have a very clear sense of what its brand is and what it can become.